First and last conjoined (Plagiarist poem #4; Part 1)

DH Lawrence – Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Ours is a tragic age, a little droopingly, but with a hopeful heart.

Joseph Conrad – Heart of Darkness
The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without of the earth flowed sombre under an overcast sky – seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.

Bob Dylan – Blonde on Blonde
Well, they’ll stone you when, should I wait?

Herman Melville – Moby Dick; or the Whale
Etymology supplied by a late consumptive retracing search after her missing children, only found another orphan.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra – Don Quixote
At a certain village in La Mancha, which I shall not name, there lived not long ago one of those adieu.

Homer – The Iliad
The Wrath of Achilles is my theme, that fatal wrath which, in fulfilment of the will of Zeus, brought the Achaeans so much of Hector, tamer of Horses.

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels – The Communist Manifesto
A spectre is haunting Europe - all countries, unite!

Charles Darwin – The Origin of Species
When we compare the individuals of the same variety or sub-variety of our older cultivated plants and animals, one of the first points which strikes planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.

Lewis Carroll – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
All in the golden afternoon full leisurely we glide; for both our oars, with little skill, and make their eyes bright and eager with many a strange tale; perhaps even with the dream of Wonderland of long ago; and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days.

Friedrich Nietzsche – The Antichrist
-Let us look one all values.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – The Hound of the Baskervilles
Mr Sherlock Holmes, who was usually very late in the mornings, save upon those we can stop at Marcini’s for a little dinner on the way?

Ward (plagiarist poem #3)

with a ears. If we cry of quivered SPRING
Then is the indi-was two AFTERNOON
hidden in shadow me, the men phantasmagorial, and burning the right WATER-MARK!
inundating. The tail foreground are. A shirt, they are all standing over interesting SHOP
exactitude all he could statements. The flame. He, mellow, blubbery, for a a little getting hickory had found Mele was written in Jordan, but growing up growths, ass of their backs. belt my CRONSTADT
famished cat, centre and know what sitting here. A fact. seldom. LIFE…
lost my. I hear. The round, no division, her head his foot. diseases. well I know Tallahassee, where leopards come IN CHINA
cigarette lines, street com-it; I the sky I edged a toe-nail know that I olive, become a BURLESK
She remembered, choice of two of music, dying day dared to I hear MANIAC
their ass! and lay

(A flip-book reading of Henry Miller's Black Spring)

Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman!

Music and video by the My, oh my! collective:
Andrew Burgess
Tomas Tokle
Nane Daroc

Coming in from Loucivennes (plagiarist poem #2)

Coming in from Loucivennes.... He could say no more. At the bar there was such a crush that the liquor ran out three times and emergency rations had to be rushed in by a squad of four flying lushes. Boy, did she hit the ceiling. Why get up and repeat yesterday’s song and dance? Once I did it and she got a butcher knife and chased me out of the apartment. Research is also required, apart from music, into instruments and appliances which, based upon special combinations or new alloys of metal, can attain a new range and compass, producing sounds or noises that are unbearably piercing. They no longer live here. The last two demands were hard to meet for Moscow. My fingers clawed the grass. I put his shoes on (for him). This put Israel outside of Iran’s own definition of its sphere of influence. Here, the chosen individuals, sometimes specially fed to be restored to their physical normality, were subjected to long immersions in freezing water. Through the continuous development of machinic labour, multiplied by the information revolution, productive forces can make available an increasing amount of time for potential human activity. Jack Arthur happens to be one of the most delightful producers in Hollywood. You dreamed of an octopus. What would they do after that? She figured it was one of her regulars. There are only weeks left, she thought. They read, they look out of the window at the sky… I didn’t think I would let things happen just as she had arranged. She was something, Sky was. “Well, you can today.” “It’s true. They were lovely.” Or maybe he would not have to find a job; he was pleased to hear the poet say he was writing a novel. How stripped of sanctity, wrote V. S. Naipaul, when a room, once intimate, becomes mere space. The editors will share with their readers some knowledge that the readers do not possess. And to this question they have only one answer; yes





Memories of a Disrupted Flow of Energy (chapter 9)

9: Weidemann

When I try to remember my childhood, all I can see is a picture of a firefighter running into a burning forest with a plastic watering can.


Video and music by the My, oh my! collective:
Robin Rowan
Eleonora Giglione
Tomas Tokle
Emily Keen