Memories of a Disrupted Flow of Energy (chapter 15)

15: Phasing the mirror

I notice that the TV’s on again. Fuck! Didn’t I just turn that thing off? I search around me for the remote, but can’t find it anywhere. I try shouting at it a couple of times, but there is not even the slightest reaction. O.K. then… I try to focus on the pictures being sent into the room by the ugly black box.

After a couple of seconds I give up. It’s just an endless blur of shifting colours, overlapping, immersing into one another. Has there ever been anything else? Somewhere in the back of my mind a voice tries to tell me there has, but I ignore it. “Ignore it, and it will eventually go away.” Right?

I look around me again, for the remote. Find a pen and throw it at the TV. It bounces off the screen. Nothing happens. Fuck it! I close my eyes, lay back and fall asleep.

The TV’s still on when I wake up. Still with the same endless blur of indistinguishable colours. Damn that thing! Damn it straight to hell! I get up, and noticing that my balance is a bit off key, I fall forward over the table and hit my head on something hard.

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